Below you can find the answers to most frequently asked questions about our competition:
- Who's the competition organizer?
The official organizer of this competition is Ukraine State Tax University (STU) and their partners. Procedurally, there is an "Organizational committee" formed in the summer of 2024 to manage all the aspects of the competition and prepare its "Terms and Conditions". You can find out more about the "Organizing Committee" on this page.
- Is there a registration fee?
The competition is free and does not require participants to pay any money to enter. Just fill in an application form and after a short preaproval process - you are in!
- Who are the judges?
Our international list of jurors consists of a wide variety of professionals in the fields of architecture, design and other related fields.
You can find detailed information about our jury panel at the "Competition Jury" page. All judges are volunteers, who decided to dedicate
- Who can participate in the competition?
This competition is international and therefore open to design bureaus, architectural firms and individual architects from every corner of the globe.
We believe that the international character of this competition will allow a truly multicultural exchange of ideas in the field of architecture and design.
Whether you are an established firm or a solo architect, this competition provides an excellent opportunity to showcase your talent on a global stage!
- When is the deadline for project submission?
All registered competition participants have to submit their final project proposals by March 31, 2025. All submitted projects need to fully meet application criterias, which are described in "Terms and Conditions", "Project Brief" and "Program Advice" documents. Should you have any questions about these - please do not hesitate to contact our "Organizing Committee" BEFORE you submit your final project. No corrections AFTER the deadline will be accepted and projects that do not comply with the Competition rules - will be disqualified from the grading process of the jury!
- What are the detailed requirements for project proposals?
Detailed requirements for the project proposals (which each participant would need to submit by the deadline) are specified in three documents: "Terms and Conditions", "Project Brief" and "Program Advice". The access to those documents will be given to all "approved participants" of the competition after their pre-registration at this website. After you register, you should expect a separate email from us with detailed instructions and a link to a shared folder, where you can find theses 3 (three) documents and other additional materials about the building and the plot + requirements to your future project proposal.