Competition Stages

Stage 1: Registration process opens - Nov. 25, 2024

Competition officially opens and registration of participants starts. At this stage participants start their registration at the competition official website. After this our "Organizing Committee" looks through each potential participant's profile and performs final approval. After the participant is approved they will receive their registration approval (via email) and access to all detailed documents, which they will need to design a project proposal. These documents include, but are not limited to: "Terms and Conditions", "Project Brief" and "Program Advice"

Stage 2: Registration process closes - Feb 15th, 2025

On Feb 15th at 23:59 (Kyiv time) the registration process will be closed and this competition will no longer accept new participants. The registration form on this webiste will be disabled and you will not be able to officially enroll into this competition anymore.

Stage 3: Project proposals submission deadline - March 31st, 2025

By March 31st, 23:59 (Kyiv time) all project participants need to submit their project proposals for the jury review. All completed proposals need to be sent via email to the official address of the competition: We highly recommend that you send your "project proposals" at least 1-2 weeks prior to the submission deadline, so our "Organizing Committee" can review your proposal to see if those correspond to all the requirements of the competition. This way you will have enough time to edit or change your proposal and resubmit it in time.

Stage 4: Preparation and holding of jury meetings - April 1st - May 12th, 2025

After all project proposals from participants have been received our jurors panel will commence reviewing all the proposals and carrying out regular meetings to discuss projects and definining the "short list" of finalists. The winner and 2 runner ups (2nd and 3rd place) will be later chosen out of this "short list" of project proposals. The jury panel will review and evaluate participant's project proposals in a fully anonymous manner based on "Evaluation Criteria" and using the "Criteria Scoring" system described in "About the competition" section of this website in more details.

Stage 5: WINNER announcement - Mid May, 2025

The winner will be officially announced by the jury in middle May 2025. The winner will be notified of this by email and telephone. The results will also be published in an official press release from the State Tax University and the "Organizing Committee" of this competition.

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