Competition Terms and Conditions

International architectural competition for “Project proposals” for the reconstruction of the Main Campus building (Building A) of the State Tax University of Ukraine (in Irpin)


1. General provisions

1.1. This document defines the terms and conditions for conducting the International Architectural Competition for “Project proposals” for the reconstruction of the central educational and administrative building (Building A) of the State Tax University (hereinafter – “the Competition”).

1.2. The customer of the competition (hereinafter – “the Customer”) is the State Tax University, which is located at the following address: 31 University Street, Irpin , Kyiv region, 08200.

1.3. The organizer of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizer”) is the Organizing Committee.

1.4. The organizer provides:

  • preparation and publication of information and announcements related to the competition;
  • preparation and distribution of the program and conditions of the competition, as well as the corresponding weekend data for design;
  • invitation to participate in the Competition of various companies/authors/teams;
  • organizing the registration of participants, providing them with tender documentation and days off data;
  • provides responses to Participants' inquiries;
  • approves members and the final composition of the Competition jury;
  • organization of work of the jury, acceptance of “Project proposals” and their proper storage;
  • Organizes the evaluation of participants' submissions for the Competition, summarizes and announces the Competition results;
  • Determines the forms of incentives/recognitions for participants and winners of the Competition;
  • Ensures media coverage of the Competition's progress.

1.5. Competition type - international open architectural Competition held in one round.

1.6. The competition is conducted on the principles of voluntariness, transparency and openness.

1.7. During the competition, personal data of participants will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection".

1.8. The official web page of the competition: All “Project proposal” materials should be provided in English. The official language of the Competition is English.

1.9. Participation in the competition is free. Participants are not obliged to pay any registration fees. No cash prizes will be paid to the winners of the competition.

1.10. Participants are not eligible to take part in the Competition if they:

  • Are located or registered in a country with which Ukraine has not established or has severed diplomatic relations as of the date the participant completes the registration form on the official Competition website;
  • Are located or registered in a country where diplomatic relations with Ukraine are at a minimal level and/or restricted as of the date the participant completes the registration form on the official Competition website;
  • Are located or registered in a country that supports the armed aggression (invasion) of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine and/or collaborates, assists, or facilitates the Russian Federation in its war against Ukraine in any way.

1.11. Completed forms (on the official Competition website) submitted by participants from the countries specified in clause 1.10 of these “Terms and Conditions” will not be considered, without the need for the Customer and/or the Organizer of the Competition to provide any explanations.

2. Theme and task of the Competition

2.1. The Competition Theme - is the development of “Project proposal”s for the reconstruction of the Main Campus building (Building A) of the State Tax University.

2.2. The Competition Purpose - is to find the best project proposal for the reconstruction of the Main Campus building (Building A) of the State Tax University (hereinafter – “the Building”).

2.3. The main tasks of the competition are:

  • To select the best “Project proposal” for the reconstruction of the Building;
  • To involve into the Competition the best leading specialists in order to take into account all modern ideas, trends in the field of architecture, energy efficiency, and sustainable development;
  • To draw the attention of the community (Ukrainian as well as International) to the consequences of the military aggression of the Russian Federation and its negative impact on the activity and functioning of educational institutions on the territory of Ukraine and in the city of Irpin in paticularly;
  • To obtain the best project proposal for the reconstruction of the Building, as a basis for further communication with potential investors, donors, including international ones, regarding their participation in financing the process of rebuilding the Building;

To encourage other educational institutions of Ukraine to create and hold their own competitions and find ways to restore their damaged/destroyed buildings, premises, and objects.

2.4. Detailed Competition Task

The detailed competition task and the full list of graphic and textual reference materials for developing project proposals are included in Appendix No. 1 to these terms and conditions of the Competition and are provided only to applied Competition participants.

2.5. Design territory

The design site is located at the following address:

31 University Street, Irpin, Irpin city-territorial community, Kyiv region. Design area: 3210900000:01:060:0036; (plot size: 9.4891 ha.)

3. Requirements for the Design of the Competition Project

The final product of this competition will be - a detailed “Project proposal”, which would be a “Schematic design” of the future full “Design” and “Construction Documents”.

All inscriptions, legends and specifications on competition “Project proposals” are performed in English. In the competition materials, use the metric measurement scale.

3.1. Composition of the competitive project.

Competition participants must upload four (4) A2 landscape presentation panels (not to exceed 100 MB per panel) with sketches, renderings, plans, sections, elevations, diagrams and/or other presentation tools to explain their proposal. Separately, visualizations used on tablets, in jpg format - for publications. Also an A3 format concept album:

  • text materials — an explanatory note, a short description in digital form;
  • additional materials (optional) — video, layout, album, etc.;

3.2. Requirements for the design of the graphical part

List of drawings and illustrative materials of the competition project:

  • scheme of the general plan with improvement of the territory (M 1:500);
  • floor plans (M 1:200);
  • characteristic sections (M 1:200);
  • building facades with an indication of finishing materials (M 1:200-M 1:500);
  • visualization in the environment from the main characteristic angles (at least three);
  • renderings of the interiors of the main groups of premises;
  • additional illustrative materials necessary for revealing the idea of the project (explorations, perspectives, schemes, etc.).

3.3. Requirements for the design of text materials

The text materials of the competition project consist of:

  • explanatory note to the project;
  • a short text description of the project for publications and a catalog of competitive projects;

The volume of the explanatory note is no more than 8 (eight) A4 pages. Explanatory note in pdf format . The explanatory note should contain:

  • description of the main idea of the project solution;
  • description of volume -planning decisions of the projected object ;
  • description of the decisions of the master plan with landscaping ;
  • description of solutions for energy supply and energy modernization of the designed facility ;
  • approximate terms of project implementation;
  • description and justification of changes or deviations from the competitive task;
  • technical and economic indicators of the designed objects;
  • other information necessary for the disclosure of project solutions.

4. Project evaluation criteria

The evaluation of all submitted works by the jury members will be conducted using a 100-point scale, distributed according to the following criteria (maximum score for each criterion):

4.1. Sustainable Development Strategy (20 points)

Compliance of the project with the requirements of sustainable economic development, energy efficiency, and innovation.

  • The project should include energy-efficient planning, structural, and engineering solutions aimed at optimizing energy use, particularly thermal regulation (heating, cooling, etc.), to ensure hygienic standards for participants in the educational process.
  • Whenever possible, prioritize renewable energy sources as the primary means of energy supply for the building during its future operation.
  • Integration of energy-efficient and smart systems (Smart City).
  • Innovative systems for protection and emergency response.

4.2. Equity Strategy (20 points)

Compliance of the project with the requirements of equity, inclusivity, and accessibility for various user categories, ensuring a barrier-free environment for all population groups. The project should provide equal opportunities for every individual to exercise their rights and access services on an equal basis with others through the integration of physical, informational, digital, social, civic, economic, and educational accessibility.

  • In considering equality during the design process, participants should evaluate whether the design addresses social vulnerabilities and recognizes the experiences, capabilities, and barriers faced by different groups of people.
  • Participants must indicate how the project meets the requirements of inclusivity and accessibility in their proposed design solutions.
  • The project proposals should include a dual-purpose radiation shelter (with spaces for communication events) that complies with all inclusivity requirements.

4.3. Idea, Form and Function (35 points)

The essence of the architectural idea should be revealed through the integration of forms and functions embodied in the proposed design solutions.

  • The jury will assess how the building's form and function convey the declared ideas through the choice of materials, architectural shape, spatial organization, and details.
  • The project should reflect the connection of the building with its surroundings, its users, and the local community.
  • It is essential for the design to be not only aesthetically appealing but also thoughtful, modern, and practical, meeting the needs of users and fulfilling its intended purpose.

4.4. Economic Feasibility of Design Solutions (10 points)

The image and holistic concept of the architectural solution should consider the economic aspect of the design decisions.

  • The economic and financial feasibility of implementing the design solutions will be evaluated.
  • The cost and price indicators of the proposed materials and works must not exceed average market rates and should align with current economic realities.
  • Participants should indicate the approximate duration of the design and construction phases.

4.5. Site Planning (15 points)

Landscape design, site improvement, and greening of the territory.

  • Develop a comprehensive concept for the improvement of the university grounds, incorporating landscaping, lighting, and modern ergonomic elements of site enhancement.
  • The design should include open spaces for recreation tailored to various user groups, with the potential for organizing educational activities and leisure events, in accordance with the task requirements.

Competition jury can evaluate competition projects according to additional criteria.


1. Competition documentation

The competition documentation consists of:

  • “Terms and conditions of the competition” (this document) with appendices:
  • Appendix 1 – Detailed Competition Task and Initial Data;
  • Appendix 2 – Rules for using the official competition website;

2. Registration of the Competition participants

To participate in the Competition, the author or author’s team(s) must apply for the competition by filling out the registration form at the official website of the Competition using the following link:, providing the following information:

  • First name of the contact person;
  • Last name of the contact person;
  • Company name;
  • Country of residence;
  • Email address;
  • Contact phone number.

After registration and verification by the Organizer, a potential participant gets access to a complete package of competition materials/documentation and source data. Projects submitted without prior registration for the competition will not be able to participate in the Competition An author or a team of authors, who filled out the registration form in violation and did not receive a confirmation letter about registration in the Competition is not considered a registered participant of the Competition.

3. Competition schedule

The day of the announcement of the Competition is considered the day of publication of the announcement of the Competition on the official website of the Competition. The results of the Competition will be announced on the official Competition website following the jury's meeting.

The timeframe of the competition:

November 25, 2024 - the beginning of the official acceptance of applications for participation in the Competition

February 15, 2025 — the deadline for registration to participate in the Competition.

March 31, 2025 — the deadline for submitting competitive projects.

April 1- May 12, 2025 — preparation and holding of the jury meeting

Mid May, 2025 – announcement of the competition winner.

4. The procedure for submitting competitive projects

4.1. Before the deadline for submission of competitive projects, the participant of the Competition must submit a complete set of the competitive project to the Organizer:

  • in the digital form - sent to the e-mail address: In the letter, the digital materials of the competition project are provided with links to download from the file exchange.

Competition project materials must be submitted anonymously (without indicating any information about the author, their details, address, company name, etc.) under an identification code in the form of an eight-digit number (as provided in the registration confirmation email). This code must be placed in the upper right corner on the first pages of all project materials.

4.2. Competition project materials submitted in violation of this Program (rules), including content, composition, or formatting requirements, will not be considered for the Competition and will not be forwarded by the Organizer to the Competition jury for review

5. Copyright and related rights

The non-property copyright for the Competition project belongs to the author or authors and is protected in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" and "On Architectural Activity". According to the terms of the Competition, all property copyrights regarding the winners' projects are transferred to the Customer. Any other terms regarding property copyrights may be specified in a separate contract concluded with the winner of the Competition.

6. Organizational structure of the Competition

6.1. Competition participants

The participant of the Competition is a specialist, author's team of specialists, physical persons or legal entities, who have submitted an application for registration in accordance with the requirements of Clause 2 of Section 2 of this document and received a letter confirming their application from the Organizer and as a result submitted a Competition “Project proposal”, in accordance with the program and conditions of the Competition.

To create a “Project proposal”, a specialist can form a team of authors. The composition of the author's team can include students of higher educational institutions in the field of architecture and specialists in other fields.

Competition jury members, their relatives, involved experts, persons who prepared tender documentation, as well as persons directly related to the customer or jury members in the performance of their work duties cannot be participants in the Competition.

6.2. Competition Jury

The jury of the Competition consists of leading experts in the field of architecture, urban planning, urbanism, landscape architecture, representatives of the executive authorities at the national and local levels, members of creative professional unions and other interested persons.

The Competition jury is formed with the purpose of determining the best of the projects submitted to the Competition, incentives in the form of certificates of honor, diplomas and other awards, providing recommendations on the use of prize-winning competition projects.

The Chairman and Secretary of the jury are elected at the first jury meeting by a simple majority vote, unless otherwise provided for in the decision to hold the competition. The head of the competition jury has the right to a decisive vote, in case of equal distribution of votes submitted for the project.

Jury members of the Competition:

  • do not take part in the Competition, do not advise the participants and refrain from public statements until the end of the Competition period;
  • do not have the right to disclose any information related to the consideration of projects and awarding of prizes;
  • cannot be involved in further work on the winning project.

The jury of the competition WILL NOT CONSIDER design suggestions:

  • sent or submitted after the deadline;
  • those that do not meet the requirements of the program and the conditions of the competition.
  • whose anonymity has been compromised

The meeting of the jury is held within the terms determined by the conditions of the Competition, and is considered valid if at least two-thirds of its members participate in it. The decision of the Competition jury is final.

The composition of the Competition jury is determined by the Competition Organizer. The Competition Organizer reserves the right to make changes and additions to the jury composition in accordance with the established procedure.

7. Providing answers to participants' questions

All questions related to the conduct of the Competition, which arise from registered participants, are summarized by the organizer and, together with the answers, are sent to all registered participants to the e-mail address specified during registration. If at least one of the participants has questions about the program and conditions of the Competition, the answer is sent to all registered participants without specifying the authors. Summarizing and sending answers begins after the end of registration and will take place every week until the end of the deadline for submitting a competitive project. Further communication with the participants of the Competition will be carried out through the e-mail addresses specified during registration.

Questions should be sent to:

8. The procedure for determining the Competition winner

All Competition “Project proposals” that meet the terms and conditions of the Competition and are accepted for consideration are considered by the Competition jury. The jury of the Competition makes a decision on determining the winner by holding an open or secret vote, by a simple majority of votes. The project that received the highest number of votes according to the results of the jury's voting is recognized as the winner of the Competition, which is then documented in the protocol on the decision of the Competition jury. According to the number of votes received, the second and third place (places) holders are determined. The decision of the jury can also be made on the basis of consensus, that is, general agreement on the determining the winner, in the absence of serious objections.

Competition “Project proposals” that violate or do not comply with the terms and conditions of the Competition are presented at the meeting of the Competition jury by the secretary of the jury with a statement of the identified inconsistencies. The jury, by voting, decides on the admission of these projects to be considered in the Competition at the jury meeting.

8.1. The Competition final results

The results of the competition are finalized through:

  • The “Decision Protocol” of the Competition jury, which contains the results of the awarding of winning places.The “Competition results protocol”, which contains the assessment of the competitive projects and recommendations for their use, justification of the decision made or the reasons for rejecting the competitive projects from consideration, other considerations of the jury

8.2. Publication of competitive projects

Information about the general presentation of the competition projects is made public by the Organizer after the jury meeting and the selection of the Competition winner. Competition “Project proposals” and announcements about the Competition results are published on the competition’s official website at:

9. Cooperation with the winner

According to the results of the Competition, the winners of the Competition should be determined.

The Competition Winner (first place) is given the right to participate in the development of the next stages of the project documentation for the reconstruction of the Building, including the selection (together with the Customer) and cooperation with the local “general designer” partner (if the winner of the Competition is not a resident of Ukraine and/or there are no relevant title documents).

At the same time, the final format and mechanism of the subsequent legal agreement of the Customer with the Winner of the Competition is determined by the Customer depending on the actual source of financing the project , the organizational and legal form and residency of the winner of the Competition, as well as the current norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.

In case of refusal of the winner of the Competition ( first place) from further cooperation the Customer can choose another competition “Project proposal” for implementation in order of priority: second place and then third place determined by the results of the Competition.

10. Circumstances of force majeure

In the event of force majeure, the Customer and the Organizer of the Competition reserve the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions of this competition or suspend the Competition.

Circumstances of force majeure are considered to be strikes, natural disasters, armed conflicts, the introduction of martial law, the issuance of regulatory acts by state authorities that prevent the conduct of the Competition, as well as other events beyond the reasonable foresight and control of the Customer and the Competition Organizer. The existence of circumstances of force majeure is confirmed by relevant documents issued by competent authorities.

In the event of force majeure, the schedule of the Competition may be postponed in proportion to the time during which the force majeure circumstances or their consequences will be in effect. If the duration of the force majeure circumstances exceeds 90 days, the Organizer or the Customer of the Competition must send a notice to the registered participants of the competition about the further conduct of the Competition.

11. Access and use of the competition website

Access to and use of the Competition website are governed by the provisions of Appendix No. 2 to the Program and Terms of the Competition (this document), which is available for review at (link) and is mandatory for all Competition participants and website visitors.